Remedy Recipe:
1. In a mug of black coffee place a few drops of lemon juice.
2. Drink and enjoy fast relief.
If you have a sensitive stomach don't try this. The acid in lemon juice can upset your stomach.
Prepare and drink this cocktail fresh everyday to strengthen your immune system
Herbal remedy recipe: (Requires a juicer)
1. Juice 3 carrots, 1 orange, 1 apple, 1/2 a beet, and 1/4 of a pineapple.
2. Drink within 2 minutes! (After 2 minutes all enzymes are lost)
Herbal remedy recipe:
1. In a glass jar, place 3 ounces of sliced horseradish root. Pour 5 ounces of organic apple cider vinegar over horseradish root.
2. Store in a dark spot and shake every day.
3. After 3 weeks, open jar and strain.
1. Mix 1 teaspoon of horseradish tincture with 1 cup of tomato or vegetable
2. Drink 2 times a day.
Fatigued? Try this Energy boosting Snack Mix
You will need:
1/2 cup dried edamame soy beans
1/4 cup roasted soy nuts
1/4 cup each dried apricots, dried mango, & dried pineapple
1 ounce each of almonds, raisins, walnuts, dates, & figs, & pistachios
1/2 cup unsalted sun flower seeds
1/4 cup granola clusters
*This recipe makes a large amount so you can keep it on hand for those on-the-go snacks for you and even the kids.
Snack mix recipe:
1. In a large glass bowl, add all ingredients and gently mix.
2. Enjoy!
Most of these ingredients can be picked up for $1-$3 each in pre-packaged bags. Check your grocery store or even dollar stores in the snack aisle. You can also find them at your local health food store but you may pay a tiny bit more there.
Optional Flavor options: (less healthy though!)
If you grow bored with this snack mix you can experiment with changing the ingredients or adding seasoning.
As an example, you could melt 4 tablespoons of butter in the microwave, stir in 2 teaspoons of honey, 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder, onion powder, and a dash of paprika. Pour over snack mix and gently toss to coat. Spread mix out on a baking sheet covered with wax paper and place in the oven at 215 F degrees for about 20 minutes. Check every 5 - 10 minutes and gently mix it around the baking sheet Spread snack mix on wax paper to cool & dry, then sprinkle with chive or sea salt.
Herbal tea remedy recipe:
1. In a very large glass bowl place 1 ounce each of fennel seeds, peppermint leaves, lemon balm leaves, and dried orange peel. Add 4 teaspoons of chamomile flowers.
2. Pour 4 cups of boiling water over herb mixture and steep for at least 15 minutes.
3. Strain; Drink entire mixture over the course of the day. Stomach pain should ease within the hour of the first cup and should be gone by the last.
Tea-tree oil has anti fungal and antiseptic properties that help control odor causing infections and bacteria on the feet.
Herbal remedy recipe:
1. Fill a small tub with hot water. As hot as you can stand it.
2. Mix 10 drops of tea-tree essential oil into water.
3. Soak feet regularly to help control odor and prevent infections.
Herbal remedy recipe:
1. In a large bowl, mix 5 teaspoons each of dried coltsfoot leaves, ginger root powder, and 1 teaspoon off boiling water over herbal mixture.
3. Steep for 10 minutes; strain.
4. Sweeten with honey and drink entire amount of tea.
herbal remedy recipe:
1. In a small bowl, mix 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt, 1/2 cup warm water, and 1 drop of eucalyptus essential oil.
2. Irrigate both sides of your nose using a netie pot.
Echinacea for fever, colds, flu, and boosting immune system. Take Echinacea at the first sign of symptoms.
Herbal tea remedy recipe:
1. In a large mug place, 1 teaspoon dried echinacea, 2 thin slices of fresh ginger root (optional, ginger is a strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties).
2. Pour 1 cup boiling water over echinacea and ginger root.
3. Steep for 10 minutes; strain
4. Sweeten with honey and lemon to taste and drink 2 cups daily until symptoms disappear
Herbal remedy recipe:
1. In a small bowl, mix 1 tsp. water with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar.
2. Dip a cotton ball into apple cider vinegar mixture and gently push into nose.
3. Leave cotton ball in nose for a few minutes until blood clots.
4. Once bleeding has stopped, gently coat the inside of your nose with petroleum jelly or vitamin E oil to moisten nasal passages.
You will need:
2 apples
1 1/3 cups boiling water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
honey, to taste
Apple tea remedy recipe:
1. Wash and cut apples into small slices in a large medium heat proof glass bowl
2. Pour boiling water over apple slices and steep for 10 minutes.
3. Add lemon juice and honey.
Drink 1 cup every hour or two to bring down fever.
You will need:
1/2 cup french green clay
Lavender tea
Herbal remedy recipe:
1. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 3 teaspoons lavender flowers.
2. Steep for 10 minutes, then strain and let cool.
3. Pour small amounts of cold tea over french green clay and mix.
4. Repeat step 3 until you have thick paste consistency. (Sort of like Pudding)
5. Apply thick coat affected areas of body.
6. Cover applied paste a thin cloth. (Gauze works well)
7. Cover thin cloth or gauze with plastic wrap to trap heat or moisture.
8. Rest for 30 minutes then wash pack off.
As we age the area under our eyes tend to dry out and wrinkle, causing unsightly dark circles under the eyes. This is due to the lack of oil glands under the
eyes. To get rid of puffy dark circles under the eyes you need to moisturize the under eye area daily.
The best way to do this is with jojoba oil.
Remedy directions:
Dip a cotton ball in jojoba oil and gently pat the oil into the area under the eyes before bed. Avoid the eye lids and lashes. In a few weeks you should
notice the dark circles starting to lighten and soon they will just disappear.
Cold weather is damaging to facial skin. This cream will protect your face from the dry cold winds of winter.
You will need:
1 tablespoon jojoba oil
1 teaspoon beeswax
2 tsp. rose water
1/4 tsp. borax
10 drops calendula oil
5 drops vitamin A oil
5 drops vitamin E oil
1/2 teaspoon aloe vera gel
Herbal facial cream recipe:
1. In a heat proof glass bowl, add jojoba oil and beeswax.
2. In a small pan, simmer enough water to slightly cover bottom of glass bowl.
3. Simmer, stirring constantly, until beeswax is completely melted. May take a while.
4. While simmering wax and oil, place rose water in a small pan over very low heat.
5. Heat rose water, stir in borax, mix until heated and borax is dissolved.
6. While both mixtures are hot, whisk rose water mixture into oil and wax mixture.
7. Let cool for a few minutes, then add essential oils. Mix well.
8. Pour mixture into a glass jar with lid and leave to set.
Stores for up to 1 month
You will need:
1/4 cup cosmetic clay
1/4 vegetable glycerin
20 drops tincture of myrrh (get at health stores)
1/4 cup baking soda
8 drops peppermint essential oil
8 drops spearmint essential oil
4 drops thyme essential oil
4 drops clove essential oil
2 tsp. fine ground sea salt
Homemade toothpaste recipe:
1. In a large bowl, whisk cosmetic clay, glycerin, baking soda, salt, and tincture of myrrh.
2. Add essential oils and whisk again until smooth and creamy.
3. Fill empty toothpaste containers with mixture (Google for suppliers or wash out and use your old used tubes)
4. Once filled, fold end of tube many times until tube feels firm. This will get the air out of tubes.
Store in a cool, dry place for up to 6 months.
For head and chest colds.
You will need:
2 ounces petroleum jelly
6 drops eucalyptus essential oil
4 drops camphor essential oil
Herbal remedy recipe:
1. In a heat proof glass bowl, add petroleum jelly.
2. In a small pan, simmer enough water to cover bottom of glass bowl.
3. Simmer until petroleum jelly is melted.
4. Remove from heat and cool for a few minutes.
5. Add eucalyptus and camphor essential oil.
6. Mix well and pour into a small jar or tin with lid. Leave to set.
Gently rub vapor rub into chest, back, and throat.
For sore, dry, cracked, chapped lips. Heals and protects lips while moisturizing.
You will need:
1 tsp. beeswax
1 tsp. cocoa butter
1 tsp. jojoba oil
4 drops Lavender essential oil
1/2 tsp. Aloe vera gel
Herbal Remedy Recipe:
1. In a small pan, simmer 1/2 inch of water.
2. In a small heat proof glass bowl, add beeswax, cocoa butter, and jojoba oil.
3. Place glass bowl in simmering water and stir constantly until wax completely melted. (Wax may take a while)
4. Once melted, remove from heat and let cool for a few minutes. Then stir in lavender essential oil and aloe vera gel.
5. Stir to mix well.
6. Once smooth and well mixed, pour into a small container with a lid. Let cool until lip salve is set.
Use as you would chap stick, jojoba oil will keep salve from turning rancid so it should keep "forever".
You will need:
Any color Henna powder:
4 ounces short hair, 6 oz. medium hair, 8 oz. long hair.
3 cups boiling coffee.
1 egg yolk
2 tsp. olive oil
Henna recipe:
1. Place correct amount of henna in large bowl.
2. Pour boiling coffee over henna powder and stir to make a fairly thick smooth paste.
3. Let cool for 10 minutes then add egg yolk and olive oil.
4. Mix well.
1. Use rubber gloves! Henna will stain clothes and skin.
2. Smear petroleum jelly around hair lines.
3. Dampen hair slightly in sink.
4. Using hands or dye brush from a beauty shop, evenly coat hair with henna paste.
5. Once coated, pile hair on top of head and cover with a shower cap or pastic wrap, then cover with a towel.
6. Allow henna to sit on hair for at least two hours.
7. Rinse thoroughly in sink. If you use the shower the henna dye with run over skin and dye skin.
8. Once henna is completely rinsed from hair, shampoo and condition hair as normal.
Henna results are intensified in blond hair. Try to lessen the time you have the henna on your hair. Also, henna continues to work after being washed out. The true color results may take a week to show up.
Henna can have a reaction with chemical residue causing strange results. It is best to wait at least 3 weeks since your last perm or chemical dye to use henna. If you have used chemical dyes or perms on your hair in the last 6 months, do a small test patch on the underneath of hair where test will be less noticeable. Once you have used henna, you will not be able to cover it up with chemical dyes. The chemical dye will not be able to penetrate properly. If you have used henna and want to go back to chemical dye, you will have to wait for henna to grow out or cut the henna out before you can dye hair with chemicals again.
Aloe Vera can help heal damaged skin inside and out.
Herbal Remedy Recipe:
1. Slice open a leaf of aloe vera.
2. Scoop gel out of leaf into small bowl.
3. Dip fingers into gel and gently massage into bruises.
Great to serve after dinner parties and also lifts depression
Herbal recipe:
1. In a large glass jar, place 1 ounce lavender, 2 cups vodka, & 1/2 cups water.
2. Put lid on tightly and leave to steep for 1 week, shaking everyday.
3. Once steeped, strain into new jar using a coffee filter.
4. Place lid on jar and store as plain vodka is stored.
Also good for sore throats, chest pain from congestion, and common cold symptoms
Herbal remedy recipe:
1. Thinly slice 1 small ginger root. (Should be no more than 4 ounces)
2. Place ginger in a medium sauce pan with 3 cups water.
3. Bring to a boil; simmer for 30 minutes.
4. Strain, add 1/4 cup lemon juice, honey to taste, and a pinch of cayenne pepper & cinnamon
Store in a glass jar in the fridge up to 3 days.
Remedy Directions:
Drink 1 cup every day while sick
Herbal remedy recipe:
1. In a small sauce pan add 3 cups of water and 1 whole crushed head of garlic.
2. Bring to a boil
3. Simmer 30 minutes; remove from heat, strain out garlic, return to simmer.
4. Reduce to 1 cup of liquid.
5. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 2 cups honey.
6. Simmer, stir constantly, until syrup forms.
7. Let cool slightly and pour into a glass bottle with lid.
Store in fridge for no more than 2 weeks.
Remedy Directions:
1. Take 1 teaspoon every 4-6 hours equaling no more than 3 teaspoons a day.
Packed with Vitamins A, B, C, & D.
You will need:
1 yellow pepper
1 red pepper
1/2 cup baby spinach leaves
1 cup dandelion leaves
1/2 cup Arugula
1/2 cup Radicchio
1/4 cup lemon balm leaves
A small handful of spearmint and pot marigold petals
Rose petal vinegar to taste
1. Wash & Slice peppers.
2. In a large bowl combine spinach,dandelion, arugula, and radicchio with sliced peppers.
3. Sprinkle spearmint and marigold petals on top.
4. Gently toss with Rose petal vinegar to taste.
5. Chill for 15 minutes to blend flavors.
6. Let sit in room temperate for 5-10 minutes then serve.
Thyme is an antiseptic good for healing infections
Herbal tea remedy recipe:
1. Pour 3 cups boiling water over 2 teaspoons of thyme.
2. Steep for 10 minutes, add 1/2 teaspoon of honey.
Drink 2 cups a day until symptoms are gone.
Relieve a headache
Herbal vinegar remedy recipe:
1. In a large glass jar place 2 ounces of fresh, washed rose petals
2. Pour in 3 cups of organic apple cider vinegar
3. Let sit for 1 week; Strain into a new glass jar using a small strainer with a coffee filter tucked inside.
Remedy Directions:
Dip a cotton ball in rose petal vinegar and rub on temples to stop a headache.
Due to the acid in vinegar you do not need to refrigerate herbal vinegar, it won't spoil.
All types of back pain
Herbal remedy recipe:
1. Make a large batch of lavender tea:
Pour 2 cups hot water over 4 teaspoons of dried lavender.
Steep for 10 minutes, strain.
2. Soak a towel in hot lavender tea. Ring out towel.
3. Place hot towel on back where painful.
4. Cover the hot towel with a linen cloth.
5. Place a hot water bottle over linen cloth.
6. Lay on your stomach in a comfortable position and relax for about an hour or two.
If pain persists you can repeat the process.
Herbal remedy Recipe:
1.Wash and chop 1 pound of onions.
2. In a large skillet cook chopped onions in 2 cups of honey until it forms a thick syrup.
3. Strain and pour syrup in air tight container. Do not store longer than 1 day. Make a fresh batch each day.
1 teaspoon every hour until symptoms disappear.
This bath will relax blood vessels.
Herbal bath remedy recipe:
1. Fill the bathtub with hot water.
2. While the tub is filling, mix 3 drops of lavender essential oil, 3 drops chamomile essential oil, and 3 drops rosemary oil with 4 Tablespoons honey.
3. Add essential oil and honey mixture to bath water.
4. Relax in the tub, eyes closed, long deep inhalations, slow deep exhalations, for 30-60 minutes.
Neck pain, stiff neck, sore neck
Herbal Home Remedy Recipe & Directions:
1. Mix 5 drops of rosemary essential oil with 2 Tablespoons sweet almond oil or jojoba oil.
2. Massage mixture into neck and wrap with a warm towel.
3. Rest for 1-2 hours. (Time for a nap!)
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- HerbalJournal
- I am not an herbalist. I just love herbs. I spend time reading many herbal books but I do not know everything. I learn as I go, trying new remedies, recipes, and adjusting how I want/need. Please, I encourage you to spend some time reading about any herb before deciding its right for you. Remember, minor or major allergic reactions may happen.